VMWorld 2018 - vRealize Suite Announcements

I wasn’t able to make it VMWorld this year, but I spent a good part of the day pouring over twitter and blog posts to find information on the 2018 version of the vRealize Suite. Below are just some quick notes on the features i am most excited about or found the most interesting, along with the official VMware blog post link to learn more.

vRealize Automation - 7.5 (also vRealize Business for Cloud 7.5)

  • Clarity UI has finally come (officially) to vRA. Taking one more step to unifying the user experience across the suite and VMware products overall.
  • NSX-T Support, making NSX-T blueprints as easy as NSX-V has been.
  • Beefing up the ‘Containers’ tab with official support for VMware Pivotal Container Services (PKS)
  • Added support for VMware Cloud on AWS https://blogs.VMware.com/management/2018/08/whats-new-vrealize-automation-7-5.html

vRealize Operations Manager - 7.0

  • New and simplified dashboard creation and sharing. This includes a feature i have been waiting for since vCOPS, being able to have dashboards shared out as URLs that DO NOT require a login. Finally a NOC style dashboard that you don’t need to manually log into on your NOC displays.
  • Several VMware Cloud on AWS enhancements.
  • Lots of fine tuning and finishing features that were added/overhauled in 6.7 https://blogs.VMware.com/management/2018/08/whats-new-in-vrealize-operations-7-0.html

vRealize LogInsight - 4.7

Not as exciting of a release (based on information i can find so far) as the other vRealize products. The official blog post lists server REST API improvements including being able to read certificate information via REST, Change to vCenter Integration, and various UI improvements and bug fixes. https://blogs.VMware.com/management/2018/08/vrealize-log-insight-4-7-september-2018-new-release.html

vRealize Lifecycle Configuration Manager - 2.0

So far this is only referenced in the overall vRealize Suite 2018 post (https://blogs.VMware.com/management/2018/08/whats-new-vrealize-suite-2018.html), however the drastic improvements from 1.0 to 1.3 have my very excited to see what has caused the jump up to 2.0 all of a sudden.

vRealize Network Insight - 3.9

Not a lot of new information was provided yet, but i will try to update this post if more comes out.


Last updated on Aug 27, 2018 00:00 UTC
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